Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Death of Education, Dawn of Learning

Learning to Change

My colleague and fellow Flat Classroom Project 2007 teacher, Barrie Becker, sent me the link to this video. She got it from Scott McLeod's Dangerously Irrelevant blog, who got it from David Warlick's 2 cents Worth blog. In Barrie's words, " It is fantastic - really summarizes and validates what we do."
The video is made for advocacy by Pearson Foundation Digital Arts Alliance and the Consortium for School Networking.

It features a number of well known education movers, including Stephen Hempel and Dan Pink. The message is summed up by Stephen at the end...."The death of education and the dawn of learning', which he claims is an exciting prospect.

Participants talk about creativity, ability to synthesize, work in teams, be multi-lingual and multicultural. Some 21st century set of literacies: Focus on finding and validating information, synthesize and leverage information, communicate it, collaborate and problem solve with information.

This is another video you might find interesting:
Marco Torres production: 21st Century Pedagogy
'Need to develop a new pedagogical dna for schooling in todays world in order to break from the past'

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Anonymous said...

Julie, I'm behind in reading my "old faithfuls" as I've been connecting with new voices as part of the Commenting Challenge; so I didn't see this video until Jeff Whipple tweeted it. I talked about it on my own blog today. I find it very compelling and uplifting! The last sentence "If the death of education brings the dawn of learning that makes me very happy" will stick with me for quite some time. I wonder if it will uplift teachers or bring fear to their hearts?

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing these Julie! I've been kind of out of touch for the last few weeks with the move and all our visitors, so I totally missed both of these videos. They are absolutely perfect for our Wired Wednesdays PD at ISB!

Anonymous said...
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Julie Lindsay said...

Diane, I think this type of video should uplift the average teacher but at the same time there will be fear. Well, so they should be afraid....in fact, be very afraid! Change is ongoing and coming quicker than many realise. I am reading a great book by the former Principal at MLC in Melbourne, David Loader (you know, the original laptop school in the late 80's into 90's, that talks about how there needs to be a major shift in focus from individual learning to collaborative "Jousting for the New Generation"....I recommend it for summer reading!

Kim, yes, these are great resources to keep for when inspiration is needed!

Anonymous said...

Julie, thanks! I've found the book and added it to my reading list.

Anonymous said...

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