Friday, May 09, 2008

Get ready for K12 Online Conference 2008

The announcement went out this week for the K12 Online Conference for 2008. The call for proposals to present deadline is June 23.

I really like the theme this year: Amplifying the Possibilities

The conference is continuing with a similar format as in the past two years (2007 and 2006) however there has been a slight change of personnel convening the event and a change in focus for the strands.

The conveners from before include Wes Fryer, Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Darren Kuropatwa
with the addition of Dean Shareski this year.

The four strands -
Strand A: Getting started
with the addition of Everything you wanted to know about getting started with web 2.0 technologies for learning but were afraid to ask. The presentations in this strand will focus on specific, free tools for newcomers.

Strand B: Kicking it up a notch
You’ve been using blogs, wikis and other technologies for awhile but perhaps haven’t seen them transform your classroom and the learning environment for your students in the ways you think they can. This strand amplifies ways new technologies can be used to transform classroom and personal learning.

Strand C: Prove it!
Although some teachers are excited to “amplify possibilities” using computer technologies, Web 2.0 tools, and 21st Century learning strategies in their classrooms, how do we know if these innovative instructional strategies are really working?

Strand D: Leading the change
Innovative approaches to teaching and learning using web 2.0 tools are often utilized by a limited number of “early adopter” teachers in our schools. This strand seeks to amplify ways educators in a variety of contexts are serving as constructive catalysts for broad-based pedagogic change using Web 2.0 technologies as well as student-centered, project-based approaches to learning.

All details can be found on the K12 Online Conference blog. Proposals deadline, another reminder, is June 23. Announcement of keynotes coming soon. Announcement of presenters will be made at NECC 2008 in San Antonio on July 2.

I encourage all readers of this blog who are out there making a difference in their classrooms to consider submitting a proposal to present.

Presentations for K12Online08 must conform to the following requirements:

  1. Presentations must be a single media file of twenty minutes or less in length.
  2. Presentations must be submitted in a downloadable and convertable file format (mp3, mov, WMV, FLV, m4a, or m4v.) Presenters wanting to use an alternative format should contact their respective strand convener in advance.
  3. Presentations are due two weeks prior to the week the relevant strand begins. (Week 1 presentations are due Monday, October 6, Week 2 presentations are due Monday, October 13.)
  4. Presentations must be submitted only one time and on time. Early submissions are welcomed! Repeat submissions (with changes and additional edits) will not be accepted. Presenters should proof carefully before submitting!
  5. All presentations will be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
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Check out the K12 Online Conference 2007 Ning for what happened last year.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The importance of e-learning and e-learning solutions in India cannot be ignored with the growing pool of highly qualified individuals. People across the world have saved time and money and students have managed to get easy accessibility irrespective of their place of residence. With e-learning solutions, businesses have trained their people online and students have gained higher education degrees at respectable universities and colleges without any expenses on traveling, accommodation, food and high fees for tutors.