Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A new toy: Read the Words

I found this just now via a Twitter from Wesley Fryer, who found it from Bob Sprankle on Bit by Bit. It is a Beta version of Read the Words (readthewords.com), a Web 2.0 application that converts text into words. Here is a simple example I created of the previous blog post to this.

The voices for selection are an interesting mixture of male and female and there is a real attempt to add inflection and expression to the reading. It provides a downloadable MP3 file and also an embeddable widget for online use. Let's think how many uses this could have in a regular school day or week.

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Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,

I heard Bob's sharing of this new tool as well. My LA students are using it now to work on sentence fluency in their next writing piece.

Julie Lindsay said...

David, what a great idea! i am looking forward to introducing this to other teachers at school...may have to be next year now, energy levels are dropping as we head towards final assessment and exams this year.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)

Anonymous said...

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