Thursday, April 22, 2010

Opportunity! Join our Flat Classroom Workshops in June/July

What are you doing this summer (northern hemisphere)?  Are you looking for something different to challenge and improve your classroom pedagogy? Have you been thinking about joining a Flat Classroom Project but need more skills or confidence to do so?  Here is your opportunity to join workshops that will open your eyes, provide the skills and expertise for global collaboration and digital citizenship, and move you into the 21st Century using Web 2.0 and online collaborative project pedagogy that embraces global interactions.

Vicki Davis and I are excited to be working together again this coming June and July in the USA!  It is only once or twice a year that we are able to be in the same room at the same time. 

(such an exciting program organised by Elizabeth Helphant!)
We invite you to review these details and consider joining us with the aim learning more about 'flattening' your classroom and embracing global collaboration.  Direct questions to  We look forward to hearing from you as well!

ISTE Workshops:
MICDS Workshops
  • Tuesday July 13-14, 2010 in St Louis, Missouri: 7 Steps to Global Collaboration All details are on the wiki. This 2-day workshop will allow participants to be immersed in how to run a 'flat classroom project' and to engage in flat learning modes and global collaboration as a pedagogy. A hands-on approach will allow participants to explore, discuss and model 21st Century tools and the '7 steps to flatten your classroom' methods based on the award winning flat classroom projects. (See http://flatclassroomproject. org)
In addition I will be running a 1-day workshop at MICDS Summer School -
  • Monday July 12, 2010: Global Collaboration: Concept, Power and MagicWhat does it mean to ‘go global’? How can we foster global citizenship as well as digital citizenship while meeting other curriculum needs? How can we integrate emerging technologies into everyday teaching practice? How can we ‘flatten’ the classroom walls and provide enriching, cultural exchanges that promote better understanding of real-world issues?Come and join me in St Louis!

Read also Vicki's blog post about her exciting USA summer schedule.

Don't forget also to put THIS AMAZING OPPORTUNITY on your calendar. I look forward to welcoming you to China next year!
Flat Classroom Conference 2011
February 25-27, 2011
Beijing, China

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