Saturday, February 06, 2010

'Pandora's Box' - Presenting the Flat Classroom project 10-1 Keynote

The Flat Classroom Project 2010-1 is well under way. We have over 200 students from 10 classrooms across 6 different countries. The online Press Release provides more details.

So far, students have been connecting with their team members via the Flat Classroom Project Ning, and also starting to edit the collaborative wiki topic pages.

A special feature of every Flat Classroom Project is the addition of a keynote video that participants can watch, discuss and interact over. For FCP10-1 we are very excited to announce the Keynote, 'Pandora's Box: Fresh Start in a New World' has been delivered by Judy O'Connell, Head of Library and Information Services at St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill in Sydney Australia. More information can be found on the Keynote wiki. I love the way Judy has made this video accessible to teenagers and encourages them to be proud of their status in the world as leaders of new ways to work and collaborate and show us all how to use emerging technologies and 'flat world' ideals to our advantage.
Thank you Judy!

Here are some guiding questions to get you thinking about how to respond and start a discussion or foster an existing discussion:
  1. Is global collaboration using emerging technologies a pandora's box? Why?
  2. How can we best prepare the '17 year old Internet/connected world' to mature and grow into 'adulthood'?
  3. How has the flat world impacted on you as a teenager? as a teacher?
  4. What place do immersive worlds and virtual realities have in education?

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