Bright Green Youth - Bright Green Youth
An example of a youth action project that took place in Denkmark this year.
UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development:
"The Proceedings of the World Conference have today been published in English. They contain the outcomes of the Bonn Conference and provide the reader with reports on plenary sessions, the high-level segment with almost 50 Ministers and Deputy-ministers, twenty-two workshops on a variety of ESD topics, project-based workshops in and around Bonn, a workshop for young people engaged in ESD, and the Bonn Declaration which was adopted by the participants in the closing plenary. "
Article in the Citrus County Chronicle about Flat Classroom Project.
November 2009YouTube - Technology Fear Factor in Education
"American Education continues to be afraid of technology and ignore its importance to our future as a nation and the future of our children. We must move ahead and use technology to teach and to keep our kids safe. Wisely used technology can be a friend of education. Ignorance is the enemy. "
Paul Kim, CTO, Stanford University School of Education
"We are rapidly moving into a new age of widely-deployed, inexpensive, Internet-enabled mobile computing and communication devices. This has the potential to give rise to a whole new generation of services, applications, and modes of behavior to benefit society based on openness in ubiquitous wireless and mobile computing. But this requires re-thinking the computing and communication infrastructure--from the servers in the computing cloud, to the desktop, to the individual handheld devices, to the network that interconnects them all. "
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
veri interestand i like the vision of this point
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