Sunday, July 26, 2009

Across My Desk (weekly)

  • A review by Mark van t 'Hooft of the NECC09 SIGML (mobile Learning) field trip in Washington DC.
    "Your task is to come up with a compelling argument that demonstrates the importance of the World War II Memorial today.
    Use your mobile phones to access supplementary digital content, using the QR codes in this booklet. In addition, you may use your mobile phone to collect evidence in and around the memorial. We will leave it up to you as to how you want to do that.

    tags: mobile, mobilecomputing, iste, sig, acrossmydesk

  • ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

    I find this disturbing. If the Internet was used in a more meaningful way so that teenagers had a viable online support network and learning community the Internet would be seen as a valid tool to help people when distressed. Governments and community groups should be building this support networks online and not shutting down or blocking online access.

    tags: digiteen, cyberbullying, digital_safety, acrossmydesk

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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