What am I doing at NECC09?
I am getting excited and feeling a little apprehensive about NECC this year. Yesterday most of our worldly belongings were carried out of our house in 59 boxes, to be stored here in Doha for 2 months and then sent to Beijing for a reunion with us in August/September. Meanwhile, my last day at Qatar Academy is Thursday June 25....then very early Friday June 26 my daughter, Violet, and I hop the Qatar airlines flight direct to Washington DC and NECC09!
So, here is my schedule at NECC so far. I am looking forward to meeting lots of people I know via the blogosphere. I am also excited to be getting together with great friends and colleagues I admire and learn from all the time during the year. NECC is like having an extended family!
Saturday June 27
- 7:30am ISTE Volunteer Leadership Recognition Breakfast
- 9:00am EdubloggerCon09, see the agenda
- 6pm EdubloggerCon and Wikispaces After Party
- 12:30pm Making IT Happen reception
- 4:30pm International Networking Reception
- Follwed by the opening of NECC09, and the first keynote
- 8:30-10:00am Digital Equity Summit: Successes against all odds Vicki Davis and I will have a chance to share the success of the Flat Classroom Conference held here in Qatar in January 2009
- 4:30pm Birds of a Feather: Using iTouch and iPhone for learning led by Vicki Davis....I am going to try and fill in 5min talking about the international perspective of using an iTouch
- 6:30am ISTE Committee Meeting breakfast (I am on both the International and Membership committees)
- 7:30am ISTE Ambassador meeting
- 2-3pm Global initiatives for understanding and learning - ISTE International team presentations. I am going to talk about global opportunities to connect students and teachers
- 3:30-4:30 International NETS: ict Around the world (iNETS)
- 4:45pm Birds of a Feather Flat Classroom Vicki and I have some fun lined up for this session! Come and meet like-minded educators who want to connect themselves and their students globally
- 10:30-11:30am Digital Citizenship: Tools, resources and best practices This is BYOL session...and I believe it is booked out already! Along with Vicki Davis and Anne Bubnic, and with some help from Maggie Tsaii (Diigo co-founder) we plan to run a hands-on session with lots of ideas and suggestions to take back to the classroom
- 12-1pm Classroom 2.0: What is Web 2.0's role in schools - I am on this panel session hosted by Steve Hargadon
Technorati Tags: necc necc09
1 comment:
Not NECC09...rather Melbourne July17
the panel session looked good from over here!
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