Sunday, January 04, 2009

7 Things You Don't Need to Know About Me

Thanks to Anne Mirtschin from On an e-Journey with Generation Y, I have been tagged for this meme, '7 Things You Don't Want to Know About Me'. I have not been very reliable with meme's in recent months....almost to the point of being rude and 'standoffish'. Not intentional, just too busy tho think about it. However, Anne is one of my colleagues coming to Doha in 3 weeks time, and bringing 3 of her students with her for the Flat Classroom Conference, so I think in all fairness they may need to know a few more things about me before arriving!
You may like to review the 'Five Things About Me' meme I wrote 2 years ago as well!
  1. I rarely finish everything I have on my plate, or a cup of coffee. It is a standing family joke. I always have to leave some remnant of the meal, and usually half a cup of coffee.
  2. I once made 4 pavlovas on the same day trying to find the perfect recipe...and I did! The Australian Women's Weekly, Best Family Meals (or something like that) recipe book was the winner. I still use that recipe today.
  3. I have low tolerance for incompetence. This is a tricky one, as it can also be misconstrued as general rudeness and an inability to get on with others. But, there you have it.
  4. I once taught Grade 7 woodwork class. It was either that or cooking, but my colleague got in first and took the cooking class so I was stuck with the hammers and saws. This was in my second year of teaching back in the 1980's and our school was short a teacher for the year. Luckily the students were too young to use the power tools!
  5. I was a community radio DJ for 6 years. Back in my home town of Melbourne I was an avid volunteer for community radio and ran programs for Plenty Valley FM, 88.6 in Melbourne. Really loved it and really miss it now. Highlights included running a student program for 5 years with a weekly live-to-air, in the studio, program with a group of students. Also I was part of the jazz presenters team and rostered 2-3 times a month to present the jazz show.
  6. My favourite car colour is red. That probably says something about my personality as well. I have owned 2 red cars in the past. Currently driving a leased silver car......
  7. My favourite exercise is brisk walking. I hate running, can tolerate swimming but get bored with it. There is nothing better than a brisk walk on a pleasant morning. Here in Doha most of the year it is too warm to be called pleasant, in fact for many weeks it is just too hot to get any enjoyment from walking outside.
OK, that's far too much information in one blog post....moving on to bigger and better ideas for the next post I hope.

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Anonymous said...

Thank you Julie for completing this meme. I took a month to complete mine but then, like you decided in fairness to the tagger, I complete it.
It is always interesting to find out a little more about the people you work with online as you dont get that chance from face to face real converstaions. See you in two weeks.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Julie for completing this meme.