Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Horizon Project 2008 Awards: Good Morning and Good Night

Yesterday was the final gathering of Horizon Project 2008 participants and observers. The Awards Ceremony was held in Elluminate, as have many of our teacher meetings and summit events during the project. It was a typical 'Good morning, Good night' international online meeting, with Australian participants crawling out of bed at 5am, and Qatar people online at 10pm. I was very pleased to welcome also a number of our judges, classroom teachers as well as students from Qatar and the USA to this celebration of creativity. This project has been magificent in its outreach, with over 200 students from 10 classrooms and 6 countries, along with dedicated educators who have joined us as expert advisors, peer review classroom leaders, judges and general observers and supporters. A very big thank you to everyone!

The purpose of having awards is to highlight the best wiki pages and the best multimedia artifacts created by students. This is not meant to deflect from the excellent work and dedication shown by all students attempting and completing this project, but to provide a sample of excellence, a collection of best-practice work.
All awards are found on the Awards wiki, a link to all eligible videos on the Master List wiki, and all multimedia, including comments and student/teacher interactions can be found on the project Ning. Another special thank you to all mutlimedia judges, names are listed on the Judges wiki, which also includes a 'Project in a nutshell' overview. Here is the slideshow used at the awards with a list of all winning wikis and artifacts -

Three types of awards were given for this project:
Each of the 13 topics included 4 impact sub-groups. These are -
A - Education
B - Government, Politics and Employment
C - Arts, Entertainment and Leisure
D - Science and Health For each topic, classroom teachers as a team have determined the best sub-group wiki based on the Wiki Construction Rubric.
These awards go to the best multimedia works. Student work will be assessed against two criteria related to the objectives of the Horizon Project. See the Multimedia artifact rubrics for more details. A winner, runner up, third place and honorable mention (if appropriate) has been awarded in each of the 13 major topics.As a culmination to the project we invited guest meta-judge, Terry Freedman, to determine the best multimedia works overall from the 13 topic winners in each group.

Terry says: "It has been a great privilege to be asked to judge these videos. All of them were a pleasure to watch, and if some of my comments make me seem a little over-critical, it was in order to (a) help me decide on the top 3 and (b) to help you to know what was good and why, and what could be improved, and why. If you would like some insight into how I carried out my judgements, please read this article. For detailed comments on these and the other videos, please visit the relevant Ning page."

Here are the top multimedia artifacts for the Horizon Project 2008 -

First place

Games as a Pedagogical Platform by Assistant Project Manager: Josh D (GHS)

Find more videos like this on Horizon Project 2008

Second place

Evolution of a Ubiquitous Platform by Project Manager for EUP: Lara K (QA Gr 11)

Find more videos like this on Horizon Project 2008

Third place

Data Mashups : Data Mashups and Google Earth by Akiko K (KGHS 3Yr)

Find more videos like this on Horizon Project 2008

So, done and dusted, as they say. This blog post has given you a starting point for exploring the project outcomes. Start with the award winning videos, view the best wiki pages and explore the excellent material on the Ning.

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KiDeN~H.D.3 said...
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Anonymous said...

The importance of e-learning and e-learning solutions in India cannot be ignored with the growing pool of highly qualified individuals. People across the world have saved time and money and students have managed to get easy accessibility irrespective of their place of residence. With e-learning solutions, businesses have trained their people online and students have gained higher education degrees at respectable universities and colleges without any expenses on traveling, accommodation, food and high fees for tutors.

Anonymous said...
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