Friday, January 04, 2008

Talk about Ning and Education with TalkShoe

Are you using Ning in education??
Why not come and join the Ning in Education Ning. This was started by Steve Hargadon and is sponsored by Ning.

Visit Ning in Education

While you are there and looking around I suggest you explore the Social Networks in Education wiki as well for a larger list of educational Nings and other resources

I was really excited to get an email from Steve Hargadon today detailing his plans to start a regular talk session about Ning in education.

Here is part of the email:
Here is the link to the first eduational Ning-cast: It is scheduled for tomorrow, January 3, at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern. You can listen to the show live (or later recorded) without signing up at, but if you do sign up for a free account, you can have the choice to participate in our Ning-cast online, by Skype/VOIP phone, or regular land line. Those who choose to download the Talkshoe software can also particpate in a chat window. There are good instructions on the site.

If you aren't going to download the software (PC & Mac only), you can call in as follows:

1. Dial: (724) 444-7444
2. Enter: 12083 # (Talkcast ID)
3. Enter: 1 # or your PIN (you set up a PIN number if you register)

OK, so for the brave pioneers, tomorrow night! Talk to you then.


Wow, this sounds great! If you visit the TalkShoe Ning in Education web page it has a count down timer to the start of the session! Over 10 hours to go still as I write this. In fact I will probably not make this first session as it is 5am in Qatar...on a Friday weekend day for us.

So kudos to Steve for this initiative! I recommend readers join TalkShoe and join this session! I just joined and downloaded the software that allows me to host, chat and other things while joining the talk session. I am looking forward to hearing the conversation tomorrow.

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1 comment:

Somebody said...

Technotrivia: It appears Talkshoe / shoephone does not appreciate USB headsets. One may need to use Skype, Gizmo or use headsets with a plug for a microphone and a separate plug for listening with the headset.